Articles on: Flows

Winback your Customers with ConvertWay's SMS and Whatsapp Automations


Customer Winback or Winback is a calculated Marketing strategy, aiming to convert existing customers to loyal recurring customers with the use of offers or discounts. In Winback Strategy you tend to increase your Customer’s Life-Time Value and reduce your Customer Churn rates.
With ConvertWay’s SMS and Whatsapp automation you can reach out to existing customers, after a pre-defined interval of time from their previous purchase.

Here's how you can Enable this automation

Go to Flows Tab in the Convertway App & select Customer Winback Series as shown Below

Customer Winback Series in Flows
The detailed form will open in both the case of SMS and Whatsapp - Here in you’re required to select the “**Days Without Order**”, and fill out the mandatory variables as per the template selected

Winback - Whatsapp
Click Save and Enable

Create a Winback Event

You need to first enable SMS and/or Whatsapp Automation for Customer Winback Series
Select the number of days since the last order was placed under the drop down Days without Order

Select number of days since last order placed
Say an order was placed on 1st of Jan and you have selected “Days without Order” as 30 then we will send the automated notifications to those users who have not placed order till 31st of Jan and so on
You can select either of two type of templates available i.e. With Discount and Without Discount

Choose Template
Select the Time when you want to notify your customers or when you want to send the Winback notifications. Select the time under Notify Every Day at field
Time When the Notifications will be sent
Note: Default Time zone is selected to: Asia/Calcutta
After enabling your first Winback followup, you have the option to enable another followup which will sent only incase customer does not place order after the first notification
Select the number of days after first followup when the second followup will be sent under the Send followup after , second follow up will be sent only if customer hasn't placed an order even when first follow up message was sent .

Enable Followup 2
Fill in the required fields just like you did in the First Followup and click Save & Enable

Updated on: 08/07/2024

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