Articles on: Flows

Welcome Series for Opt-in Users


Welcome Series is an automated set of messages that Brands send to new subscribers who Opt-in. With this brands create personalized recommendations and encourage customers to make the first purchase by giving discounts as a Welcome offer.
This helps brands to make personalized special greetings to their new customers and promote to buy first order by lucrative offers.

Welcome series notifications will be sent to only the Opt-In users who joins the subscriber Lists.
Here's how you can Enable this automation

Go to Flows Tab in the Convertway App & select Customer Welcome Series as shown Below

Welcome Series Flow
The detailed form will open in both the case of SMS and Whatsapp - here chose the timing of the first template

Set your Welcome Series first Follow-up
Note: The timing shown here is based on the time when the user Opted-In. For example, if “Send Notification at/after” 30min - then the user gets notified after 30 min of Opt-In.
Then, choose the template from the available templates and as per the selected template, the variable box is shown. Fill up the variable details as you want to offer to the customer.

Select your First Followup Template
Now click on Save and Enable to enable the template
After enabling your first Welcome Series followup, you have the option to enable another followup which will be sent only in-case (i) User have not placed an order yet (ii) Have not abandoned the cart [This will be triggered only if Abandoned Cart Flow is Enabled in Flows]
Select the number of days after the first follow-up when the second follow-up will be sent.

Enabling Second Followup for Welcome Series
Fill in the required fields just like you did in the First Followup and click Save & Enable

Updated on: 08/07/2024

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