Integrate Klaviyo List with The ConvertWay
Integration of Klaviyo with The ConvertWay just got easy . With this integration , you will be able to add List from Klaviyo Account , and then can be used for sending various SMS & Whatsapp Campaign . Follow the Below mentioned Steps : Go to the integration page in The ConvertWay app Select the Klaviyo integration card , click "Klaviyo", as shown in image Enter the API Keys MentioneSome readersIntegrate NitroX with The ConvertWay
Integration of NitroX "(SuperAcquire ‑ Grow Revenue)” with The ConvertWay just got easy . Follow the Below mentioned Steps : Steps To do in "SuperAcquire ‑ Grow Revenue" Go to the integration page in "SuperAcquire ‑ Grow Revenue" Scroll down for "Connect with ConvertWay app" and Enable. Enable the Event and contacts checkbox and Enter the Licence Key Mentioned in "The Convertway" & Install.Few readersStamped Integration
How to integrate? Stamped Flows works when the configuration of ConvertWay and Stamped is completed. In order to setup this please follow the below steps: A. Stamped: Steps to be taken at Stamped App includes: Start IntegrationFew readers