Country Specific Requirements for SMS Sender ID Registration
Sender IDs are specific to each country. Every country has regulations with which its carriers must comply. For certain countries, sender IDs are dynamic, meaning that they don't require preregistration with those countries' carriers. For other countries, sender IDs do require preregistration with carriers. What are the prerequisites and restrictions for registering a SMS sender ID? You must have The ConvertWay's Premium plan account in good standing. Sender ID registration is noPopularSender id Registration Process(DLT) for Sending SMS to India
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has mandated all entities that want to send SMS to register their organizations, headers, and templates along with required consent information, on distributed ledger technology (DLT) platforms to curb unsolicited commercial communication (UCC). Here's how to do that: Step 1 — Get unique Entity ID Register on any of the DLT platforms below by filling in the required information to get a temporary ID. After verification of your documents, the operPopularCountry wise Sender ID Preregistration chart ETA (work days)
Here is the list of country wise list of ETA and Docs required for SMS sender ID registration:- Country Wise Documents Required for Pre-Resgistrations of Sender Ids This information is subject to change per country, carrier, and end operator regulations.Popular