Articles on: Templates

Your Guide to Create Customized WhatsApp Templates

WhatsApp templates are pre-approved message formats that streamline business communication, ensuring consistent and branded messages for scenarios like festive campaigns and order alerts. Approved by WhatsApp to comply with guidelines and prevent spam, these templates must be clear, concise, and respectful. Avoid overly promotional language, include necessary information, and follow WhatsApp’s guidelines to ensure approval.

In this article, we’ll explore how to add your templates to Convertway and use them for customer campaigns, enhancing your communication efficiency.

Step 1: Add Template

To create your own customized WhatsApp template you need to go to - Templates > WhatsApp > Add Template

Adding Templates

Step 2: Configure your Template

You have to configure your template by selecting the ConvertWay category from the Category dropdown field for which you want to create the template. This choice will then guide the selection of sub-categories, headers, variables, and CTAs you can use.

Convertway Category

Next, you need to select the sub-category for which you want to create the template. For instance, if you choose Flows under the Convertway Category, you'll need to specify the exact flow, such as Abandoned Cart or Welcome Series, within the Convertway Sub-Category.

Convertway Sub Category

As the final step of the configuration process, please enter the Template Name and select the desired Language for the template.

Template Name and Language

Step 3: Defining the content of the template

First, we need to select the Header type,which is the file that will appear at the top with the content.

Header Type

Next, enter the content for your template in the provided space. You can also add variables by selecting them from the available options.

Footer Text is an optional field where you can add any additional information you want to include. By default, the footer text is Reply STOP if you wish to opt-out, which means if a customer replies with STOP, they will no longer receive messages from you.


You can also add a CTA button to your template. Under Choose the Button Type, you have the option to either select a button that suits your template or opt for no button at all.

When triggered, this button will get the customers to perform the desired action, such as your website or their abandoned cart.

Finally, click on Submit to get approval from Meta.

Create Template

Your template is now visible in the Templates Table. Please note that it may take a few minutes for the template to be approved before you can start using it.

You can monitor the approval status in the Status column of the Templates Table.

To quickly find your template, you can filter the table by selecting its category.

Templates Table

Choose Category

Ready to enhance your WhatsApp communication with customized templates?

Start building your first template with Convertway today!

Updated on: 14/08/2024

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