How to configure your whatsapp chatbot


A WhatsApp chatbot is an automated tool that provides instant responses to user queries on WhatsApp, enhancing customer service and engagement. It streamlines tasks such as answering FAQs, sharing order status , curating a interactive experience for shopping experience.

Prerequisite for chatbot
Users must have their WABA approval done.
Users must be in Growth plan & above check plans

Ecommerce Uses cases which can be solved via Chatbot
Merchants can automate Sales query by adding chatbot flow, some queries can that can be added as a menu/option for users are :
Show offers and discount : use List node to display category and as per category selection can curate personalized shopping experience.
Track order : user can se Shopify integration Node for the live status of the orders placed by customer
FAQS : user can configure flows for FAQS by adding links or adding messages of the most common queries.
Return & exchange: users can redirect user to the Returns page via Send message nodes
Talk to agent : user can prepare a list of queries and get the necessary details from user before an agents get on chat , this will help in reducing the query resolution time & improve productivity.
SIze Guides : user can share the size guide information in chat menu for relevant chatbot flows .

How chatbot works

Chatbot will trigger on Keywords you can set these in "Bot Triggered " nodes in chatbot.
Keywords can be words or phrases. Ex Hi , hello, track my order .
Quick Tip : you can keep configure WhatsApp widget replies as keywords to trigger the bot.
Based on the flow configured in the chatbot configuration and user reply the conversation will take place.
you can view all the bot conversation in the chat inbox panel.
you can check the analytic of chatbot in analytics sections as "chatbot" menu.

Our Chatbot configuration flows from Top to Bottom, i.e the start point is defined at the top and is gradually draws to the bottom as you add Node .

How does the Chatbot session is closes ?
Chatbot flow will end in three cases :
when in an ongoing chatbot session if admin user replies via conversion panel, the bot will close.
If in an ongoing Bot session there is an inactivity from customer side for 15 mins the bot will close.
In the chat bot flow if the user has reached to the end of one branch flow the bot will close.

How to differentiate between chatbot reply and user reply in chat inbox panel ?
Chatbot messages are marked in in chat , u can see Bot beneath the messages to differentiate the replies from user and bot.

How to Restart the chatbot flow :

When customer replies the Keyword, the chatbot will trigger .
Note : in an ongoing chatbot session user keywords will not trigger any bot.

How to configure chatbot :
There are two ways you can start configuring the bot
a. By using a predefined flow from chatbot Library

b . By creating a flow from scratch

a. Default flows are Ready to use chatbot templates , where user need to update content and enter their website URLS , Return Page links etc and can customize content and flow as per their need.

Steps to create a flow Using Default chatbot Library

1.Navigate to the "Chatbot" menu.
2.Select "Chatbot Library."
3.Explore available flows by clicking "View Here."
Use defualt flows your chosen flow by clicking "useflow."
5.Name your chatbot and click save.
6.Address mandatory fields in nodes marked with a yellow exclamation mark refer Example
-Add Keywords in "Bot Trigger " Node
-Include your Store Name where ever mentioned in content
-Enter URLs where required in content
-Add Tag in "Convertway tags" Node
- Add a list in "Convertway list "Nodes, Etc
7.If you want to give an option of restarting the bot then please add unique keywords like "#" , " $ " in your keyword as mentioned in the last message of the node. you can keep any keyword to restart the bot , make sure to update the same in last message in Default flows.
8.Review and edit node content as needed, then click "Save" to update.
9.Once saved, your Chatbot will appear under "My Bots."
10.Activate your Chatbot by toggling the Status to green—it will then go live on your WABA number.

b. Steps to create a flow from scratch

Go to "Chatbot" menu
Click on "My Bot"
Click on** "Create Chatbot"**
Create Chatbot page will open
Click on the "Bot Trigger " to define your keywords / keyword to start the bot.
A setting view will open in right side of the page where you can add single / multiple keywords click "save "to save the setting.
you can add the flow by clicking on the** + sign** below bot trigger Node {Node is referred to a block in the Chatbot UI }
you will have 5 options when you click on the "+ icon "
you can select any Node as per your usecase and enter their settings to build the flow.
10 Details of these Node are mentioned below refer the same to know which Node is used for what usecase.
save the setting for Fallback Setting , Fallback message is a message that will be triggered when user doesn't reply as per the flow of the Bot.
Upon creating the chatbot flow - click save on the top Right corner.
13 Activate your Chatbot by toggling the Status to green—it will then go live on your WABA number.
To Disable the Flow click on the status toggle .

you can check the analytics of the chatbot in the Analytics menu
select Chatbot analytics in Menu.
You will get to see the created chatbot names
For every chatbot you can measure the following :
- Bot Triggered : No of times the bot was triggered
- Steps Finished : No of nodes reached or interacted with.
- Bot Completed : No of conversation where the customer has reached to last message of the branch.
A quick view of analytics is added in the Dashboard too below campaign analytics , only recent 5 bot flows are shown.

Pricing plan
In Growth Plan user can have only 1 chatbot flow Enabled .
In Enterprise plan , User can enable multiple chatbot flows.

What is Node and how to configure them ?

Overview :
Nodes are individual component like button message , media message , text message , condition , integration etc.
you can add node by clicking + icon below previous node . and if you click on the node you can configure the settings of that particular node.
if you want to delete a nod you can take the cursor the node a delete icon will come on the top right corner of the node you can delete the node.

Types of Node

There are 5 types of node
Bot Trigger
Send Message
Ask Question
Shopify Integration
Convertway Integration

Lets discuss each one of them , what its used for , when to use it while making a chatbot flow .

1.. Bot Trigger : Keywords define when will the chatbot start. you would keep keywords which are common replies of customer like hi , hey , Track order etc . You can have multiple keyword for same bot .
- Keywords are not case sensitive.
- No two chatbots can have same keywords.
- Users should keep keywords which are added in option in chat widget. so the bot will trigger when customer interact on chatwidget.

Send Message: When you click on this node , 4 options appear Text message , Media Message , Button message , List Message . you can select the type of node , depending on your flow.

Text Message
Ideally used to send a simple text message against a user response.
you can add Whatsapp_name as variable to add name of user which can fetched from whatsapp.
if previously you have created attributes (think of them as variables ) then you can use it in the text messages.
click on save to save the text message node.
Edit If you want to edit it click on this node and update the text in body and save changes.

Media Message
- Ideally used to send messages against a user response .
- You can select the header from the dropdown.
- Attach the Media type ( Image , none , document , video).
- Add the content and save the node.
Note Only whatsapp_ name variable can be used without any conditions , if you are using other variables like mentioned below the text input box, you need to first use shopify fetch order details integration node in the nodes above the branch only then these variable will call out any value from shopify.

Button Message
Ideally used to send a message which has options for user to define the next course of chatbot flow , example if you want user to select from any option the you can use button message.
- Button message have 5 option in header (None , Text , image , video , document ) you can define the header pass the value configure the text.
- Add options, Maximum 3 options can be added in button and minimum 1 option can need to configured.
- If you want to save the response in any Attribute ( Variable) you can select from the default attributes or you can create new one.
- when you save the button node , depending on the option added 1/2/3 branch will open , you can then define the flow by adding nodes below those options as per.

List Message
List Messages are Ideally used when you have more option to select from , and you want to add some info about those options.
- when you click list message node , you can configure list Menu in right side .
- List has following component - Body , Footer, Section name , within section there is Row & for each row we have Description which is optional
- There can be maximum 10 sections , and each section must have min 1 row . And each section can have max 10 rows.
- Rows have word limit of 24 character .
you can check any default Library flow, how the list is configured by clicking at the list node .

Ask Questions : when you want take user input without giving him option like , Email ID , any number , order ID, phone number , name Etc you can use this node .
- In this node you need to define the Question in body .
- you need to define in what variable the answer of user will be store , you can select from the dropdown - Save response in attribute .
- you can define how many times the user is allowed to attempt this question in Number of Attempts its value ideally can be between 3-6 .
- when user has exhausted all the defined attemped then you can configure a message in Max Attempt Notification you can configure message to restart the bot too , as the bot will be closed here. since user did not give any valid input as per variable.
- If user is entering wrong format answer you can configure a validation message here in "Enter Error Message"

Conditions : Conditions allow the creation of multiple branches within a chatbot flow based on variables , each with its own distinct path based on specific criteria defined in Branch & Condition set.

- click on condition node , click on branch1 > set condition , select the variable on which you want to define the branch .
you can select the operator & define its value if its true then branch 1 onward flow will trigger if false , then create branch 2 , select same variable , add operator and pass value .
- If branch 2 condition is true then , flow from branch 2 onwards will follow.
- you can refer how its set in the Default library flow for better understanding.

Shopify Integration : shopify integration nodes allow users to get information of orders, order id, shopify order status , list of orders , cancelation of order in shopify .

Usecase : you can use these nodes to get the order details of a customer of a particular order , fetch list of order for a email id , cancel order via bot and add tags in shopify orders .

Shopify fetch order Details : With this node user can fetch order details via , Email ID or Order ID.
before using this node user must have captured either the EMail if or order id in one of the attributes.

- you need to select how do you want the to fetch the orders details from shopify -- by email or order id set the same in settings menu dropdown.
- define from which variable we can get the details of order id or email, save the same variable in Fetch data from attribute.
- ideally you would have used a questions node for email and have configured a variable the same variable is to be used for fetching order details.
- you need to map the status from the dropdown if you have created different attributes.
- the 2 branches from this node can be - order found or order not found .
- you can configure the chatbot flow from these 2 branches by adding other nodes.
- in the upcoming nodes , you can now use shopify variable wherever applicable .

Cancel order : If you want to add the order cancellation of shopify order to the chatbot flow.
you can configure the same through this node .
NOTE : Please note that shopify orders with status = fulfilled cannot be cancelled. Although you can add this check via conditions in previous
nodes before using this node.
- Upon adding this note you can enable cancel order function for shopify orders .
- Select the attribute where the order id is stored .
-Configure TAG which will be shown in the shopify order if the order is cancelled.
- This node will have 2 Branched order cancel success & cancel fail you can configure flow as per the branches.

Convertway Integration
With this node you can either add a custom tag to filter conversation in chat Inbox panel and you can then add the customers to list.

Cancel order
To filter Chatbots conversation with a custom tag simply add the node and define tag . you can search the Tag later on in the conversation panel.
Ex Talk to agent , if you have used this branch and want to prioritize these conversation you can add node of conversation tag and filter the chats.

Add to List
you can add a particular conversation number/ user to a list basis of action done in chatbot, you can add this node to a node in flow where you want to filter them which can be then used in campaigns.
- To add a customer who has engaged in chatbot specific flow you can add this node below the action and select the list from the dropdown to add the customers.

Updated on: 15/07/2024

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